CASARANO. Architecture & Sustainability: when municipality meets Chinese expertise

Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia – Lecce is an Italian daily newspaper, founded and published in Lecce, and it gathers up regional and local news and announcements.

Saturday, 6 May 2017


CASARANO. Architecture & Sustainability: when municipality meets Chinese expertise

The municipality of Casarano, in Italy, is looking at the Chinese experience to improve the local urban architecture. In the past few days, Mayor Gianni Stefano had meetings with two distinguished personages who spent quite a time working in Italy: architect David Cao Wei and doctor Shi Hongbo, President of the AssociazioneInterscambioCulturale Italo-Cinese del Salento (The Italy – China Cultural Exchange Association of Salento). Cao Wei and Shi Hongbo exposed their current and future plans in Italy, particularly in Lecce, paving the way for sustainability in architecture and further cultural interchange programs to be fulfilled in the city of Casarano. According to the Mayor Gianni Stefano, «The meeting called into question various plans for the future. The three of us [Stefano, Cao Wei, Shi Hongbo] discussed about what has been achieved so far and what is still on the way. The solid collaboration between Casarano and Chinese expertise will definitely lead to greater outcomes, especially in the long-term period».

Cao Wei has distinguished himself for his work in city planning projects, coupled with improvements in quality of life. Mr. Cao Wei has been operating in Italy, realizing an exchange network based on topics concerning construction and wellness in the main Italian cities, including Rome. Cao Wei is currently Vice President of Beijing Capital City Commerce Planning Academy and Urban Planning Expert within the China’s National Development and Reform Commission.